Head Office Mobile Tel Number 07801097241 Newcastle/Gateshead Areas - 0191 3038581 Cramlington/Northumberland - 01670 898589 Hexham/Tyne Valley - 01661 898089 Chester Le St/Co Durham - 0191 3038581

A family run carpet, oven & upholstery cleaning business throughout the northeast since 1985


Spotting Mould in Your Carpets

Professionally Cleaning CarpetsWe have all encountered mould at some point or another, usually from something left in the fridge a little too long that has gained a white furry coat. Or maybe a damp spot in the house where the mould has managed to grow. What most of us don’t realise is that mould can get into our carpets and can have serious effects on our health. So how do we spot it and what do we do?

Dangers of mould

One of the top reasons that mould manages to get into a carpet is through incorrect or incomplete cleaning. Maybe you used that new company down the road and they didn’t quite get everything dry or maybe you had a DIY session but didn’t realise you had introduced too much water to the carpet.   It can even come from something like a leaking tap, radiator or window.

Whatever the cause, once mould sneaks its way into your carpet, the results can be surprisingly bad for your health. This is because mould grows by released reproductive cells that are called spores into the air, a bit like a plant spreading seeds. You can’t spot these spores with the naked eye and this is part of the reason they cause so much trouble – they are so small that 20 million would fit onto a postage stamp!

Types of mould

There are also lots of different types of mould and these have different effects on the human body.   Allergenic mould, for example, doesn’t cause any life-threatening problems but can create havoc for you if you suffer with breathing conditions such as asthmatic or if you are prone to allergies. Kids are often the ones most susceptible to this type.

Then there are what is called pathogenic moulds – these actually produce a form of infection in the system, especially if your immune system is compromised in some way. This is often common in older people or those with conditions such as diabetes. One example of this is Aspergillus fumigatus that grows in the lungs.

Finally, there are the really nasty members of the mould family, the toxigenic mould. These are really dangerous and can affect the health of anyone, no matter how healthy. Called mycotoxins, they live on or in the spores and you can inhale, ingest or even touch them. Aflatoxin is one of the most common, found on peanuts and grains and is one of the most potential carcinogens known.

Prevention and cure

The best way to ensure that you don’t encounter any type of mould in your home is to use a professional carpet cleaner with a proven track record. That way they will know how much water and other products to use and how to ensure you carpet if thoroughly dried.

Likewise, if you spot discoloured patches or areas that are wet, even if mould isn’t present, get in touch with an expert who will be able to deal with the problem.   They can clean up the mould or dry out the problem area and ensure that you never need know what it is like to have mould-related health problems.


Main Office:
0191 3038581

Head Office Mobile Tel Number:
07801 097 241

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Telephone Lines are open between 8.30am and 7pm Monday to Friday, and Saturday 8.30am - 12 noon.


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We have operated as an oven & carpet cleaning business in Newcastle and the North East for over 30 years. We cover Newcastle, Gateshead, Whitley Bay, North Shields, South Shields, Gosforth & all Tyneside NE postcodes. Plus Durham, Chester-le-Street, Birtley and Cramlington.